
JSP & YCP Social Media Activists Arrested, Released

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JSP & YCP Social Media Activists Arrested and Released

Janasena and YSRCP Social Media Activists Arrested and Released
Janasena and YSRCP Social Media Activists Arrested and Released

As most of the print and electronic media turned pro TDP on caste biased factors, opposition parities found social media the best weapon to exploit TDP's administrative blunders. 

Unable to digest social media's postings, TDP has reportedly let some social media activists from Guntur area arrested by Arandal Pet police. 

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According to reports, a few Janasena and YSRCP's social media activists were taken to custody by the Arandal Pet police on Sunday night. Having learned the news, Janasena top leaders Thota Chandrasekhar and Ravela Kishore Babu visited the police station and made Jana sainiks released from the police station. Also, they sent them safely on cars to their homes. 

On the other hand, YSRCP's social media activists were released today on bail. They alleged that TDP unnecessarily harassed them with fake cases. They also made it clear that they would continue their fight against TDP in social media.