Tamil actor Arya and Sayyeshaa Saigal, Saira Banu's grandniece, are all set to enter into wedlock. Last night, the pre-wedding celebrations were in full swing. An array of popular celebrities visited the actors and wished them luck. And one amongst them from Tollywood who attended the Sangeeth ceremony of the couple was stylish star Allu Arjun who shared screen space with Arya in Varudu.
Arya and Sayyesha first met on the sets of Santhosh P Jayakumar's Ghajinikanth, Telugu remake of Tamil hit Bhale Bhale Magadivoy. After their strong romance, the two decided to take the plunge. They will tie the knot today on March 10 in Hyderabad.
The lovebirds decided to have color coordinated dress for the ceremony. Sayyeshaa looked regal in her silver and white lehenga while Arya was smoking hot in his off-white sherwani with a waistcoat. Bunny, on the other hand, wore silver color suit and pants.