Super Star Mahesh Babu’s silver jubilee film Maharshi manages to make a good collection in its second week. The film directed by Vamshi Paidipally witnessed a steep decline on its second Friday but showed growth on the following days, after the new release ABCD failed to strike a chord with the viewers.
Maharshi has broken several box office records and the film has already recovered the investments of the distributors in few areas and also earned them decent profit share in its second weekend. Guess what, Maharshi has crossed 1 crore gross mark in few centers in Nizam including his own multiplex AMB Cinemas.
Here is Maharshi Nizam 1 Cr Gross Centers:
1. RTC X Roads
2. Kukatpally
3. Dilsukhnagar
4. Prasads
5. AMB Cinemas
6. Warangal
7. Karimnagar