As we know, yesteryars' numero uno heroine Vijayashanthi has made a comeback to Tollywood with Sarileru Neekevvaru. When she was asked what had made her most excited doing the film, Vijayashanthi said, “It’s amazing that I am doing a film with that same child after 30 years. Now of course, he is grown up into a dashing superstar."
Meanwhile, Vijayashanthi quashed the rumours that she would be playing a cameo role in India's biggest multi-starrer RRR being directed by Rajamouli.
Sarileru Neekevvaru is currently being shot on a rapid pace. The movie, which is headed for release for Sankranthi, has Rashmika Mandanna in a female lead role. Anil Ravipudi is directing the movie under Dil Raju's Sri Venkateswara Creations. Anil Sunkara is the co-producer.