It is a known news that Valmiki filmmakers had to change the film title as Gaddalakonda Ganesh at the eleventh hour. Tollywood is expressing sympathy on Valmiki's team for the last minute change of the title.
Crazy young hero Vijay Deverakonda tweeted, "Valmiki is now #GaddalakondaGanesh Unfortunate that this was allowed to happen to a movie but the theatres will fill up and people will enjoy the film. My support and best wishes to @IAmVarunTej, @harish2you Anna, @Atharvaamurali, @hegdepooja and the team.'
"This is very painful... No Film or Director deserve this... @harish2you we are all with You...I know your commitment towards a film ra Harish...#GaddalakondaGanesh will be a winner for sure," director Vamsi Pydipally tweeted.