Tejus Kancherala and Payal Rajput's bold entertainer Rdx Love directed by Bhanu Sahankar is releasing today. The film's trailers surprised all. While the teaser left all stunned with adult content, obscene dialogues and Payal Rajput indulging in no holds barred glamour show, lip-locks and intimate scenes, the trailer turned out to be a complete contrast with Payal showing her bold avatar enacting deadly stunts.
C Kalyan who is producing the film revealed the secret of Rdx Love. He said, “I loved the story narrated by Shankar Bhanu. We planned XXX Love as the film title. This is not a film that runs on exposing. Everyone knows the story once they watch in theatres."
He continued saying, “Payal Rajput acted very well. After this film, everyone thinks of Payal for lady-oriented films."
Director Bhanu Shankar said, “When I narrated the introduction scene to Payal, she shouted 'Get Out'. One needs a lot of guts to do such a role. She trusted the story and us to star in the emotional movie."