Mumbai hottie Kiara Advani had a dream debut in Tollywood romancing Super Star Mahesh Babu in Bharat Ane Nenu. After stealing the hearts of all and going on to romance Mega Power Star Ram Charan in Vinaya Vidheya Rama, she didn’t look back.
She is now making a powerful impact in Bollywood after films like Kalank, Arjun Reddy remake Kabir Singh. She is now starring in Kanchana remake Lakshmi Bomb, Indoo Ki Jawaani, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and Shershaah.
Meanwhile, Kiara Advani revealed that she changed her name from Alia to Kiara as she liked the name Kiara, the character played by Priyanka Chopra in Anjaana Anjaani. She said she decided to have her daughter named Kiara but when she was supposed to change her name as people get confused with Bollywood actress, Alia Bhatt, she decided to use the same name as she does not know when she will have a child.
Kiara Advani said she faced many rejections before tasting success and added she gives all her earnings to her parents.