Andala Rakshasi Lavanya Tripathi recently impressed with her performance as a journalist in Nikhil's crime thriller Arjun Suravaram. She is currently starring in A1-Express romancing Sundeep Kishan under the direction of Dennis Jeevan Kanukolanu. She is turning hockey player in this sports based entertainer.
Meanwhile, Lavanya Tripathi revealed about her inspirations, aspirations, dreams, memories and favorites. She said Sridevi was her inspiration as she balanced both professional and personal life. She stated that she would have become a fashion designer had she not become an actress.
Lavanya said she watched Businessman film five times and she loves Mahesh Babu's mannerisms and dialogue modulations a lot.
Talking about her favorite dishes she said she loves Samosas and Momos. On her Prince Charming, she said, "He should surprise me all the time as I get bored by monotonous life".
She said her sweet memory was when she became Miss Uttarakhand. She affirmed her birthplace Dehradun happens to be her favorite destination as she goes into her childhood days.
Lavanya is a good cook and people savor for her Rajma Chawal, Chole Kulcha, pizzas and samosas. She revealed that reciting Hanuman Chalisa is her favorite sentiment and carries Hanuman idol in her bag.
Lavanya dreams of starring in the biopic on Rakha as makers show gorgeously as an eternal beauty.