Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth's press meet on Thursday invited trolls on the superstar. Now that Rajini has said there would be two leaders in the party one would be the chief minister candidate and the other would be the party's president, fans and political analysts got nonplussed with Rajini's stand on politics.
If at all Rajini implement's his strategy into practice, even his fans wouldn't cast their votes to him as they never wish the superstar gets his post confined to party's president without assuming power as a CM>
Besides, there will be two power centres in the party which does great damage to the budding party. Above all, Rajini hasn't announced his party's name yet despite the general polls scheduled in 2021.
Straightaway, Rajini's press meet ended, social media was flooded with numerous trolls on the confusing stand of Rajini in politics. It's high time Rajini cleared confusion among fans.