Vijay Deverakonda second time in a row became Times Hyderabad Most Desirable Man for the year 2019. He is pretty confident of winning the title for the third time. On the occasion of winning the title, Vijay Deverakonda did take part in a photo shoot, where he for the first time unveiled his complete look.
Vijay Deverakonda in the posters in seen with long hair and beard. Apparently, this is his look in Fighter being directed by Puri Jagannadh. He was told not to unveil his look until first look poster is out. But, Vijay revealed his look posing for photo shoot. He looks dapper here leaning on couch.
Until recently, Vijay Deverakonda was seen covering his hair with beanie cap. He is reportedly playing a martial artist in the film that features Ananya Pandey in female lead role and Ramya Krishna in an important role.
Team Fighter announced to stall shoot in the wake of Coronavirus.