Controversial actress Sri Reddy is spitting venom on various film stars social media. She is targeting PK and this is angering Power Star Pawan Kalyan fans. However, Pawan Kalyan's fans are helpless as Sri Reddy is indirectly attacking him without taking his name but talking about his three marriages and using actress Poonam Kaur who has been of late using the initials PK.
Sri Reddy and Poonam Kaur have been indulging in a war of words for a long time and the latest flare point occurred when Poonam Kaur wore a mask with PK initials. Sri Reddy teased "mask ke peeche kya hai'.
Poonam compared her with a prostitute and Sri Reddy who turned furious came up with a sensational post accusing her of extracting a huge amount of money from a person who had three marriages for undergoing the abortion. Sri Reddy has been making wild allegations making sensational claims against all top stars but she failed to provide any substantial proof when countered.