Telugu girl Tejaswi Madivada impressed all with her performance in films like Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu and Manam. She went on to sizzle in Ram Gopal Varma's Ice Cream series. She even tempted all with her hot looks entering the Bigg Boss house.
Meanwhile, she came up with a sensational take on casting couch. She said there is 90% casting couch in the industry and only after going through this ordeal, one gets opportunities.
Tejaswi Madivada then made a stunning remark saying because of Mumbai girls, Tollywood girls are getting a bad name. She said Mumbai girls are aware of all these things and are ready to give commitment before getting offers. She said filmmakers prefer Mumbai girls because they are ready to anything for offers. She said almost every heroine she knew are having casting couch experiences but they are not come out.