Ace director SS Rajamouli started the trend of releasing a poster or a teaser of an artist or film on their birthdays. RRR’s Bheem For Ramaraju, a special teaser, was released on the occasion of birthday of mega power star Ram Charan who plays the role of Alluri Seetha Ramaraju in the flick. Title revealing poster and a motion poster was also unveiled then.
However, due to disfavoring conditions, they didn’t do the same for young tiger NTR’s birthday. Fans expected the makers to release a special teaser on the day. But, things didn’t support them, though they tried their best.
Today, the makers wished the film’s composer MM Keeravani on his birthday. “Happy birthday to the genius who creates magic with his music! Wishing you a glorious year ahead @mmkeeravaani garu #RRR #RRRMovie ,” reads the post.
Shockingly, the makers forgot to wish Alluri Seetha Ramaraju on his 123rd birth anniversary. Forget about releasing a special teaser or poster, they disremembered wishing the legendary freedom fighter.
Many wonder how they can even forget the birth anniversary of the freedom fighter on whom they are making a film.