Wizard of Words Trivikram Srinivas created a sensation with Allu Arjun's Ala Vaikunthapurramloo during Sankranti which turned out to be a non-Baahubali hit. He is now set to team up with Young Tiger Ntr for his next. Ntr too is waiting eagerly for the project and the makers finalized the title Ayinanu Poyi Ravale Hastinaku.
Trivikram completed the script and is waiting to meet Ntr. But with the increase in coronavirus cases, there is no sign that the meeting would take place in the near future. Trivikram apart from this script has readied a few more scripts.
Since Ntr's RRR already got stalled due to Corona, Trivikram feels that there will be a lot of gap. Trivikram is keen to make another film in the gap. But he clarified that he is conceNtrating on Ntr's script and is not thinking of any other projects.
Trivikram is keen to announce the same after meeting with Ntr. But it is not clear how Ntr will react. Ayinanu Poyi Ravale Hastinaku will be produced on Harika And Haasine banner along with Kalyan Ram's Ntr Arts.