Tollywood's controversial film critic Kathi Mahesh is in the news once again. Hyderabad cyber crime cops arrested him. Police acted after they received complaints against Kathi Mahesh that he made obscene and controversial comments on social media about Lord Rama. Police arrested him and after conducting medical tests at Osmania Hospital produced him at the Nampally Court. Court sent him on remand.
Kathi Mahesh posted objectionable comments on Lord Rama on his facebook page. Various Hindu Organisations filed complaints against him at numerous places. Cyber Crime cops registered case and started their investigations. Once again cops after interrogating Kathi Mahesh, arrested him.
Of late Kathi Mahesh is in news for various reasons. He faced the ire of Pawan Kalyan's fans for his comments on Power Star. Sparks flew between them on social media. Once people attacked him at Prasad Imax, Necklace Road, Hyderabad.