The Supreme Court on Friday dismissed the review petition filed by six state governments seeking the deferment of all India entrance exams like Jee Mains and NEET. The initiative to file this review petition was taken up by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and West Bengal CM Mamatha Banerji.
The Apex Court, de facto, dismissed the petition for postponement of the said examinations on August 17. The petition was reportedly filed by 11 students who hadn't prepared well for the examinations. The bench of the supreme court, then, viewed that further postponement of the examinations will do nothing except to create jeopardy.
Now that the SC has dismissed the petition against the examinations, NEET, which earlier was scheduled on 13 September, will be held without further hiccups. Moreover, smooth conduct of rest of the shifts for Jee Mains will also be ensured with the SC's verdict.