
Fiction: Mothers Stone Pelting at Vulligadda & Yellow Boss

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Fiction: Mothers Stone Pelting at Vulligadda and Yellow Boss

Fiction: Mothers Stone Pelting at Vulligadda & Yellow Boss
Fiction: Mothers Stone Pelting at Vulligadda & Yellow Boss

Following is an interesting fictional story exclusively for our readers. 

Wayback in 1950, there was a country named Pingodia on the planet Mars in a milky way. 'The Caste Maniacs Pradesh' was one of the states of Pingodia country.

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Meanwhile, a political party named 'yellow party' lost the recent general elections quite miserably. This party's head 'Yellow Boss' had no ethics and morals by birth. The unique feature of his was that he had a special dreaded power with which he could hypnotize the personnel of the 'Systems' and would ensure them losing their values and ethics like him. Lately, a judiciary person named 'Sokesh' shed his values and retired from his profession. 

'Vulligadda' was an officer connected to the elections. As yellow boss advised, Vulligadda developed a grudge against the ruling party and started taking awkward decisions just to satisfy his ego. One day, Vulligadda took the worst ever decision on the conduct of the elections. As election code came into force, a free money distribution scheme for mothers was halted. 

All the mothers across the state became furious over yellow boss and Vulligadda. One day, with their misfortune, Vulligadda and the yellow boss were caught to the mothers. The mothers felicitated them with stone pelting.