Megastar Chiranjeevi is busy shooting Koratala Siva’s Acharya. The film release date has been annocuned which is set to hit the screens on May 13. Mani Sharma is the music composer, in fact Puri Jagan’s iSmart Shankar’s muscil chartbusuter helped Manis Sharma to come on board for Acharya.
Expectations are sky-high and since Mani Sharma’s last release had chartbusters with massy edges, many are keen to listen Acharya’s music. But inside talk has it that Chiranjeevi is unhappy with Mani Sharma. After seeing the output of Acharya’s music, Chiranjeevi wants to drop Mani Sharma and pick Devi Sri Prasad.
Well, Chiru is not dropping him from Acharya but for his upcoming prject. After wrapping up Acharya, Chiranjeevi will be teaming up with KS Ravindra aka Bobby and the latter wants Mani Sharma. Now, seems like plans have changed and DSP is likely to join the team. Chiranjeevi is mighty impressed with Uppena musical talk and the association DSP has with Mega compound is immense.
DSP has given numerous hits to Mega compound and thus Chiranjeevi feels he would be the right on to deliver and meet the required expectations. Well, let us wait for an official confirmation.