Rashmika Mandanna has turned 25 today, April 5. While wishes are galore on social media and birthday hashtag has been trended by her fans, here comes a sweet birthday wish from her Mission Majnu co-star Sidharth Malhotra. Sharing a picture of duo from script reading session where Chalo beauty is all smile, the actor wrote, “Happy Birthday @Rashmika_mandanna, From script readings to performing, it’s been super fun. Lots of love and good wishes to you on this day”.
Mission Majnu is Rashmika’s maiden Bollywood film. The film is based on real events that changed the bond between India and Pakistan. Helmed by Shantanu Bagchi, a lot of hype is surrounding on Mission Majnu.
Rashmika has bagged her second Hindi film, Goodbye, the shoot of which is underway. This comes even before her debut Hindi film has released. Rashmika who usually takes time off on her birthday has a working birthday this time. Apart from Bollywood films, she has big-ticket films in South and has also signed many ad commercials.