Ram Gopal Varma revolutionised the Indian silver screen with his creative genius and technical brilliance. He introduced many new things in filmmaking but all that is now a thing of the past. He is now hogging the media limelight with his controversial posts targeting celebrities on social media and coming with substandard films.
For all those who wonder why Rgv is coming with such substandard films, analysts say he makes them at very low cost and his films reach break-even. Even doing coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown he released his films on OTTs surprising other celebrities.
He now started his own OTT named Spark and made clear that his OTT will stream unique stuff. Many are wondering whether Rgv can sustain Spark as he earlier left many projects in the middle. He released his films sometime back on Shreyas OTT and left it in the middle. But for Spark to run successfully Rgv alone is enough sad he can come with numerous films at a brisk pace and he has many proteges to help him. Spark is set to start on May 15 with Rgv's D Compan