All eyes are on Super Star Mahesh Babu's high-profile entertainer with Rajamouli. Not only fans but also movie lovers have dreamed of this project for many decades.
The project is turning into a reality and ever since its announcement, speculation has increased over the film's storyline and Mahesh Babu's role in the film. KL.Narayana, a top producer is bankrolling the project.
Now Vijayendra Prasad speaking to scribes once again came with an interesting update on the project. Vijayendra Prasad who earlier revealed they readied various plots and African jungle adventure backdrop is one of the most preferred genres, now said he is working on the story.
Vijayendra Prasad said that his son Rajamouli during the lockdown told him that he is keen to show Mahesh Babu in an African jungle adventure. Vijayendra Prasad added that he is working on the idea and added that Rajamouli loves the works of Wilbur Smith, a South African novelist works a lot and so he is researching by reading his novels to ready a powerful story.