All eyes are on Mega Power Star Ram Charan's upcoming action entertainer under the direction of Shankar. According to the latest, the project got a start date. Inside talk is the film's regular shoot will start from October 21. The makers are already making all arrangements for the regular shoot and they are erecting extravagant sets in the exotic locations of Pune, Maharashtra.
Ram Charan is romancing Kiara Advani in the film, Kiara Advani allotted bulk dates from the project and she will join the shoot from the third week of October. The film is touted to be a high octane action entertainer and Shankar is coming with a powerful story to elevate the heroism of Ram Charan to another level.
Anjali, Srikanth, Jayaram, Sunil, Naveen Chandra are playing important roles in the film for which music is scored by Thaman. Rumours have it that the film is a political thriller and will be titled as Viswambhara.