Ram Charan-Shanikar's project referred to as RC15 is progressing at a brisk pace. The film's second schedule is underway in Hyderabad and Shankar is canning important scenes on Ram Charan and Kiara Advani. It is known that Dil Raju is bankrolling the project in a grand manner on the Sri Venkateswara Creations banner. According to the latest, it is coming out that ZEE Studios is entering into RC15 and is set to fund the project along with Sri Venkateswara Creations.
ZEE Studios is aggressively entering into Tollywood and is already co-producing Nagarjuna's Bangarraju.. As Dil Raju is busy producing multiple projects he also decided to collaborate with Zee Studios. RC15 stars Suresh Gopi, Esha Gupta, Anjali, Srikanth, Jayaram, Sunil, Naveen Chandra in important roles.
Thaman is scoring music for the film and rumors have it that Ram Charan will be seen in a dual role and in one role as a CBI officer. Buzz is the film would be titled as Viswambhara.