Sizzling siren Samantha has been hogging the media limelight for quite some time. Though she did not attend the Pushpa pre-release event, her special song 'oo antava oo oo antava' got tremendous response and attention. In the midst of all these shocking rumors are surfacing over Samantha's illness and fans are becoming sleepless getting worried over her health.
It is known that Samantha visited the holy shrine at Tirumala and had the darshan of the Lord Venkateswara and then went to Kadapa and visited Ameenpeer Dargah and offered her prayers. She then rushed to the Asian Institute of Gastroenterology in Gachibowli, Hyderabad after her return.
This triggered rumors that she was unwell and got admitted to the hospital. This worried her fans but her manager Madhu clarified that Samantha visited the hospital after she fell sick and underwent routine checkups. The manager added that Samantha did not get admitted to the hospital but is taking a rest at her house in Gachibowli.