Icon Star Allu Arjun's Pushpa-The Rise is releasing today in a grand manner. The film directed by Sukumar features Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead and marks Malayalam star Fahadh Faasil's entry into Tollywood. Samantha for the first time is sizzling in a special song. The film's premiers in overseas are completed and the early morning shows are underway.
Pushpa opened to huge response at the box office in all locations and here is what fans who watched the film felt about the movie. It is coming out that Allu Arjun stunned all with his performance, body language, mannerisms, expressions, and emotions in the film. Rashmika Mandanna attracted with her glamorous performance and the scenes between Allu Arjun and Fahadh Faasil drove everyone crazy. The film ends on an interesting note setting the tone for the powerful second part as Allu Arjun and Fahadh Faasil get ready to lock hons. Anasuya and Sunil surprised with their negative roles.
Samantha's special song turned out to be a sensation. Devi Sri Prasad's foot-tapping mass beats and breathtaking visuals are a treat to watch. Here are the fans reactions on social media.
Positive reviews from everywhere All the best team
Honestly speaking -(die hard fan of allu arjn) o antavaa song has been only for 2 min
Honest review as Bunny's Due hard fan ---
First half starting 20 min will feel like some lag... but Trust me ... totally different bunny you are going to see mass !!! Mass!!! Mass!!! Proud to be a fan of #AlluArjun
Reviews of #PushpaTheRise first half are coming in and only two types of reviews...avg and below avg.
Looks like its not going to be a disaster but not a bb either
#Pushpa 1st half: AA as #PushpaRaj just MAD anthe.. that mannerisms & rugged look just killed it !
Every supporting character & their dialogue delivery with that village atmosphere just takes us to another world.
Bunny & #Rashmika love scenes & comedy worked good.