Prashant Neel is now the most sought-after director across the country after the sensation he created with his high octane action entertainer KGF1 and KGF2. All eyes are on his upcoming projects with Salaar starring Prabhas and his next with NTR. Already Prabhas' first look from Salaar drove his fans and masses crazy. Prabhas sported a rugged mass look and Prashant Neel increased expectations by saying that Prabhas will be seen as the most ruthless and violent person.
The first look of Prashant Neel's next with NTR left all stunned. NTR looked extremely mass and his fans got super thrilled. However, netizens and movie lovers who have been following Prashant Neel's films and his portrayal of heroes in his films feel that he is over-obsessed with the charcoal concept and also the dark theme. Be it Yash in KGF, Prabhas in Salaar, and now NTR in his next sported similar rugged looks in the backdrop of the dark theme.
They are asking Prashant Neel to come out to the dark theme concept and charcoal and expand his horizons. Wonder how Prashant Neel will react.