Maverick Director Mani Ratnam's dream project Ponniyin Selvan has turned into a boxoffice epic by grossing close to Rs 500 Crores worldwide for its first part. Now all eyes are on its second part, Ponniyin Selvan Part 2. After the humongous success of PS 1 in Tamil Nadu and overseas. The anticipation for PS 2 has been doubled. Producers, Lyca Productions also getting crazy offers for the screening rights of #PS2.
The filming of PS 2 is simultaneously shot along with PS 1. So, a major part of shoot for Ponniyin Selvan Part 2 has already been completed. Only a minor portion to be filmed and this will be wrapped up soon. Then the team will move to post - production work. This time Maniratnam is determined that no stone will remain unturned when it comes to VFX and quality of the film. It is known that PS1 was compared to Baahubali in other languages (except Tamil Nadu) and audiences didn't satisfied by the output. So, an extra care to be taken for PS2.
The release date for Ponniyin Selvan Part 2 is locked for April 28, 2023. Earlier it was announced that Superstar Mahesh and Trivikram's #SSMB28 will release on that day. But, due to unfortunate incidents happened at Mahesh's house, the release date is pushed. Now, PS2 locked its release date as 28/04/2023. Get ready to meet the mighty cholas one last time in theatres on April 28.