Newlyweds Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra were spotted at Jaisalmer airport on Wednesday (February 8). The couple tied the knot on February 7 in Rajasthan in presence of their close friends and family members. Post their wedding, the duo reportedly jetted off to Sidharth's hometown Delhi. According to several media reports, they will host a wedding reception in Delhi on February 9.
The new couple made their first public appearance at Jaisalmer airport. Kiara looked gorgeous in all-black outfit. She was seen as a new bride sporting pink bangles and sindoor on her forehead. Sidharth was seen wearing white t-shirt, brown jacket and blue jeans. They looked lovely together. They got married in Jaisalmer's Suryagarh Palace on February 7 in the presence of their close friends and family members. Kiara and Siddharth skip their honeymoon due to work commitments. Another reason for the couple delaying their honeymoon is the post-marriage rituals of Punjabi-Sindhi culture.
They began dating on the sets of their 2021 film Shershaah. It was also their first film together.