Team India captain Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma have been the cynosure of all eyes ever since they fell in love with each other. They shot to fame as Virushka and recently entered into wedlock in a grand manner in Italy.
Despite marrying secretly, Kohli and Anushka have been delighting their fans by sharing their romantic snaps from various locations. The love and support they show towards each other is attracting the attention of everyone.
Sometime back Kohli showered praises on Anushka's Pari while Anushka is currently enjoying her Hubby's performance in the ongoing IPL. Her expressions for Kohli's on field exploits is spell bounding everyone.
In the meantime on his wife's 30th birthday, Kohli greeted her sharing their delightful snaps. He posted "Happy B'day my love. The most positive and honest person I know. Love you ♥️ "
Anushka is currently busy with her upcoming entertainers Sharat Katariya's Sui Dhaaga and Anand L Rai's Zero.