As we reported earlier, hero Rajasekhar escaped with minor injuries after his car met with an accident late on Tuesday night at Hyderabad's Outer Ring Road (ORR) near Pedda Golconda. As soon as the accident took place, the black Mercedes bearing number plate TS07FZ1234, deployed its airbags, thereby avoiding any serious injuries to its occupants.
Rajasekhar was the only one in the vehicle at the time of the accident. The actor informed the police about the accident and reached his home thereafter. He has said that he didn't sustain any injuries and that he is safe.
Rajasekhar said, "On Tuesday night, while I was returning to my place from Ramoji Film City via Outer Ring Road, I met with an accident at the Golconda Appa Junction. Commuters on the road came to me and brought me out of the vehicle. I borrowed their phone and immediately informed the police and then called up my family members. On the way to my house in their car, my family members picked me up in the middle of the journey."