Ranjitha, the active partner of Nithyananda even though caught on video but she is absconding from the police and is on a non co-operation mode with Karnatak and Tamilnadu police. Ranjitha is required by the police for an enquiry but the lady seems to have been dodging their enquiry session. Police sources say that Ranjitha is considered as an important witness in the case and was summoned by the police through her advocate to make herself available for investigation.
Although Ranjitha’s advocate informed Police about making her present for investigations but she failed to appear as what was promised. Police may now move the court for fresh summons and may avert for forcible methods to bring her on the investigation table.
The kind of inappropriate and indefinite delays happening with Ranjitha’s non c-operation to police, it looks as if Ranjitha is co-operative only to Nithyananda.