Swami Nityananda, who is better known as ‘Sex Swami’ from March of this year after local Tamil media aired the video clipping that allegedly shows Nithyananda in bed act with Tamil actress Ranjitha was arrested few weeks ago in Himachal Pradesh on the charges of rape and unnatural sex.
Bangalore High Court has today granted conditional bail to Nithyananda after his advocate pleaded that Nithyananda is not a Sanyasi but just Spiritual Guru and a Preacher. ‘For last 50 days, Swamiji has been in jail. There has been no direct complaint from any of the alleged victims of Nithyananda. The allegation of offence under the Section 295A is not correct. This case is a conspiracy,’ Nithyananda’s advocate atlast won the conditional bail.
Nithyananda is likely to be released from jail on Monday. He has been asked to provide one lakh bond and surrender his passport. He will have to report to a local police station once every fortnight. Atlast it is a sigh of relief on Nithyananda’s face.
Now, hopefully Ranjitha may make her appearance soon atleast to congratulate her bed partner for getting the bail.